Product Feature: Luoki Nordic Glacial Water Sleeping Pack

Luoki Nordic Glacial Water Sleeping Pack

Sleeping masks (or packs) has been getting a lot of noise lately. It adds extra layer of nutrients and hydration on the skin revealing a more supple and healthy texture the morning after application. Formulated with nutrient and mineral rich Iceland Olfus Glacial Water, this mask cools, calms and nourishes the skin. Notable ingredients includes Hyaluronic Acid, Ceramide and Safflower Bud.  This cream is also free of synthetic fragrance, artificial coloring and paraben.

The lightweight, thick, jelly like consistency of this ‘cream’ feels very cool against the skin. It applies smoothly and settles quickly, leaving a non-greasy finish. The beautiful citrusy scent of Bergamot is prominent in this product. The scent is very calming and rejuvenating at the same time. It is definitely the best way to cap a skincare routine.

Using this sleeping pack renders my skin soft and smooth the following day. I always wake up to a more supple and hydrated skin.  I also did not develop any rashes or pimples while using this product.

Luoki Nordic Glacial Water Sleeping Pack is available at

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